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Blog Post


  • By 7020014392
  • 17 Jul, 2018

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Fischer Motors Specializes in German-Made Vehicles

For over 40 years, the auto repair shop at Fischer Motors has been your best choice for the care of Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and other foreign-made vehicles.

Fischer Motors Specializes in German-Made Vehicles

For over 40 years, the auto repair shop at Fischer Motors has been your best choice for the care of Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and other foreign-made vehicles.

Fischer Motors Specializes in German-Made Vehicles

For over 40 years, the auto repair shop at Fischer Motors has been your best choice for the care of Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and other foreign-made vehicles.

By 7020014392 July 17, 2018
The annual Potter's Picnic on Saturday July  21st was a success with_____(est. number in attendace, est. number of cars, etc.)____. The Picnic, which is hosted by Porsche Club of America, is held yearly at the residence of Peter Fischer and for the last ____ years has included a concours event. This year, the event featured four classes judging the entered vehicles against various standards.

Class Exhibition, which judges entrants on only the interior and exterior of the vehicle, was won by _____.

The Show class, which also judges the trunk, was won by ______.

The winner of the Touring class, which also includes judging of the engine, was ____.

Finally, the Full class, which evaluates exterior, interior, trunk, engine, and undercarriage, was taken by____.

Beer, brats, and a variety of other food and drink were enjoyed by all. (((add more photos?)))
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